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Business Checks

Time to reorder checks? We make it easy and secure.

If you've already placed one check order with Power Financial Credit Union, you can reorder checks quickly and easily online through our partner, Deluxe. And you can do so with peace of mind because of the security and safety features built into your checks. 
  • Foil Hologram: This multicolored, dimensional hologram contains 7 embedded security features that can not be reproduced by printers or copiers.
  • Micro-Security Print: Indicated by the MP icon to the right of the signature line.
  • Chemical Protection: Ensures that what you write on your checks cannot be altered by chemical means. If anyone tries, it produces a stain indicating the check has been tampered with.
  • Erasure Protection: Ensures that what you write on your checks cannot be erased. If anyone tries, it produces a stain indicating the check has been tampered with.
  • Original Document Security Screen: Deters photocopying or other reproduction of your check.
  • Padlock Icon: Indicated by the lock icon to the right of the word “Dollars” is your assurance that security enhancements are built in to prevent and detect check fraud.
Power Financial Credit Union serves members across South Florida with 8 full-service branches and offers convenient account access from anywhere using its secure Online Banking and highly-rated Mobile App.