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Member Access

You're on call, so your Power Financial Credit Union accounts are, too.

When you work for FPL/NextEra Energy, you need anytime access to your finances. Split shifts, inclement weather, and last-minute deadlines mean that you can’t always make time to get to a branch during normal business hours. We understand your hectic schedule demands financial flexibility.


Payroll Allocations/Direct Deposit

Automate some of your banking tasks to keep progressing toward your goals. You can have your paycheck deposited directly into your Power Financial Credit Union account every payday and set up payroll allocations to automatically transfer funds to other accounts. It's an easy way to build up your savings. To update your direct deposit allocation, complete this form. If you have questions regarding this form, please contact us.


Shared Services

Even when you're away from a Power Financial Credit Union branch, you can still get an in-branch experience through CU Service Centers — a credit union network that provides convenient financial services by sharing facilities. Services offered include ATM service, withdrawals, balance inquiries, check cashing, credit card advances, deposits, loan processing and payments, funds transfers, and more.


Family and Friend Referrals

Share the wealth! When your friends and family join Power Financial Credit Union, you'll both received $50, deposited into your accounts. Just use this coupon to start the process.

Power Financial Credit Union serves members across South Florida with 8 full-service branches and offers convenient account access from anywhere using its secure Online Banking and highly-rated Mobile App.